国外3D建模免费软件Blender 功能强大
Blender 是国外一款非常不错的3D建模软件,软件操作简单,使用方便,功能强大,某些方面甚至不亚于3DS。是一个集3D绘图,3D模型制作,动画制作以及后期处理等多种功能于一体的图形图像工具软件。如此强悍的一款软件竟然还是免费,对于喜欢绘制3D图形和制作3D模型,动画的朋友们来说手边绝对不能缺少这样一款好软件。近日Blender全面升级,在多个功能上都有明显提高。
下载最新版:Blender 2.47 Final
* Revolutionary non-overlapping and non-blocking UI delivers unsurpassed workflow
* Flexible and fully configurable window layout with as many screen setups as you prefer video sequence editing, character animation action editor, non-linear animation mixer, image/UV editing, file/image selection and file management
* Built-in text editor for annotations and editing Python scripts
* Consistent interface across all platforms
* A range of 3D object types including polygon meshes, NURBS surfaces, bezier and B-spline curves, metaballs, vector fonts (TrueType, PostScript, OpenType)
* ''Smooth proxy'' style catmull-clark subdivision surfaces with optimal iso-lines display and sharpness editing
* Armature (skeleton) deformation with forward/inverse kinematics, auto skinning and interactive 3D paint for vertex weighting
* Non-linear animation mixer with automated walkcycles along paths
* Constraint system
* Vertex key framing for morphing, with controlling sliders
* Oversampling, motion blur, post-production effects, fields, non-square pixels
* Environment maps, halos, lens flares, fog