The credit facility provided to ELSA AG by seven members of an eight bank banking pool have been terminated for February 15, 2002. The credit volume terminated amounts to approximately 28 Million Euro.
One bank and pool member additionally notified the company that the credit facility of 10 Million Euro, provided until March 30, 2002, will not be extended. In case of a repayment of the companies other credits to the pool the bank also expects a loan repayment by February 15, 2002.
Negotiations with the banks about a credit buyout through a third party investor have failed, despite intensive arbitration attempts also of the banking pool leader. Funds for a return of the outstanding credits are presently unavailable. Going concern of the company is therefore unsecured. The management board is evaluating its obligation to initiate insolvency proceedings.
新闻稿的大意就是说艾尔莎由于2800万欧元的信用贷款被拒绝,同时银行也拒绝了3月30日到期的1000万欧元的贷款延长申请,艾尔莎显卡的原代工厂技嘉也在法庭上发难,已经开始准备破产程序。终于在几个星期之后,艾尔莎德国总部正式宣布破产,老艾尔莎的辉煌也从此结束。在宣布破产的当天,各大IT媒体都以“艾尔莎破产 NVIDIA失去大量欧洲市场”为标题发布新闻,艾尔莎当时在欧洲市场的影响力可见一斑。