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    泡泡网笔记本频道1月27日 今天早些时候,McGraw-Hill''s出版集团CEO Terry McGraw在接受CNBC的采访中证实了苹果将要发布的平板电脑会应用iPhone操作系统,而McGraw-Hill''s出版集团的课本等读物也会制成电子书通过Apple Tablet出售。

McGraw CEO 证实苹果平板电脑将应用iPhone操作系统(图片来自互联网)

    当被问到McGraw-Hill''s出版集团的图书是否会在Apple Tablet上出售时,Terry McGraw回应道“Yeah, Very exciting. Yes, they''ll make their announcement tomorrow on this one. We have worked with Apple for quite a while. And the Tablet is going to be based on the iPhone operating system and so it will be transferable. So what you are going to be able to do now -- we have a consortium of e-books. And we have 95% of all our materials that are in e-book format on that one. So now with the tablet you''re going to open up the higher education market, the professional market. The tablet is going to be just really terrific.”(“是的,这是非常激动人心的事,苹果明天会为平板电脑举办发布会。我们已与苹果公司合作了一段时间,而且平板电脑将会应用iPhone的操作系统,所以为iPhone制作的图书内容会转换为平板电脑所用。我们集团拥有众多的电子图书,此外我们图书的95%已经制作成苹果平板电脑支持的电子书格式。现在苹果平板电脑打开了高素质人群的市场,真正的专业市场。这真的是非常了不起的创造。”)■


    苹果发布iPad平板电脑 苹果iPhone OS 4.0 苹果iLife 2010

苹果2010新品发布会 iPad平板时代



