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威联通TS-259 Pro上市囊括十多项大奖


威联通TS-259 Pro上市囊括十多项大奖

        网络存储(NAS)、网络监控(NVR)及多媒体播放器(NMP)之领导厂商威联通科技(QNAP Systems, Inc.)今年1月份推出搭载最新Intel® Atom? D-510 Dual-core处理器的NAS产品TS-259 Pro,威联通的TS-259 Pro为全新的2颗硬盘NAS,先进的iSCSI技术能在虚拟与集群环境中,提供一个方便管理且较低成本的存储空间解决方案;同时TS-259 Pro具有多样的应用服务,让您企业内的数字数据中心运作上更有效率。TS-259 Pro还拥有优异的系统效能并兼具低耗电量,在进行各式应用程序处理与大量数据传输时,能提供NAS高度可靠性与稳定性。自从上市以来,TS-259 Pro就受到了广泛的关注,短短几个月的时间,就获得了国内外共十多项大奖。

1、PC Mag (US)                                                   2010//1/28
QNAP TS-259 Pro 荣获美国 PC Mag优质4/5高评价
Rating: 4/5 Very good
Bottom Line:One of the best performing NAS devices we''ve tested, the TS-259 is filled with services and applications that meet the needs of just about any small business.
Pros: Fast performance. Well-designed management interface. Advanced feature set

2、CHIP (Poland)                                                  2010/1/29
QNAP TS-259 Pro 荣获波兰 CHIP 97 分超高水平评比 (满分100)
QNAP NAS servers in our ranking are very high positions. This occurs mainly due to a very rich range of features available to their users and efficient the components mounted on them. TS-259 Pro is intended mainly for small and medium-sized businesses. After the testing we can confidently say that the TS-259 Pro is currently the most efficient server of its kind in our statement。

3、PC!Adv 電腦王                                                           2010/3/1   
PC!Adv 计算机王:双核 Atom,更快的传输速度 - QNAP TS-259 Pro Turbo NAS
更強大的雙核Atom D510 1.66GHz雙核心處理器,更快的傳輸速度
4、SvetHardware (Czech)                                                   2010/3/2
QNAP TS-259 Pro 获得捷克 SvetHardware 优质评测
Overall, the Turbo NAS QNAP TS-259 Pro is once again a quality product that offers a wide range of services. It performs high transfer speed due to the redesigned hardware based on Intel Atom D510. The price is slightly high for consumers, but it is valuable for HOME and small-business network.
- Pros:   User friendly UI,
- Abundant Service support,
- Performance                               
5、ITsvet (Serbia)                                                 2010/3/15
QNAP TS-259 Pro 获得塞尔维亚 ITsvet 优质评价
Performances of this model are very good, better than TS-239 model due to powerful Atom processor and more memory that is available. We noticed that it takes a lot of time to initialize RAID configuration but that will depend from discs capacity too (at the time, 4TB is maximum for two discs, but producer keep updating its list of supported models with those with maximal capacity). ... this is an advanced device targeted to specific group of user who will have benefits from supported options so we cannot say the price is too high。
6、PC World (Australia)                                            2010/3/24
QNAP TS-259 Pro 榮獲澳洲PC World 4.5 星高評價
The QNAP TS-259 Pro Turbo NAS offers a powerful Atom processor that provides fast file transfers and streaming performance. Though QNAP doesn''t sell the cheapest NAS devices, businesses that need fast performance and good backup measures will find that they''re worth the premium.
7、PC Advisor (UK)                                              2010/3/25
QNAP TS-259 Pro 获得英国PC Advisor 4/5 星优质评价
Small businesses that don''t need much storage but require fast performance and flexibility will find the QNAP TS-259 Pro Turbo a useful NAS device.
威联通TS-259 Pro在国内外多个媒体的专业测试平台跟客户使用中都表现不俗,各种数据反映TS-259 Pro是现在世界上速度最快的2盘位NAS产品。





