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超强游戏阵容 索尼Move配件+游戏曝光


1. The Shoot
2. Time Crisis: Razing Storm
3. echochrome II
4. Kung Fu Rider
5. Start the Party
6. TV Superstars
7. SingStar Dance
8. Sports Champion
9. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11
10. SOCOM 4
11. The Fight: Lights Out
12. Sly Cooper Collection
13. Sorcery
14. Heroes on the Move
15. Heavy Rain(届时会推出Move操作补丁)
16. EyePet
17. Tumble
18. Kung Fu Live
19. Toy Story 3
20. Resident Evil 5
21. TRON Evolution
22. RUSE
23. The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn''s Quest
24. Hustle Kings
25. PAIN
26. LittleBigPlanet 2
27. Killzone 3
28. Gran Turismo 5

29. Child of Eden
30. NBA 2K11
31. Beat Sketcher
32. Ape Escape
33. Sing and Draw 
34. Shake! Shake! Bowling
35. Sesame Street
36. Eccentric Slider 
37. Plain Sight
38. Racquet Sports
39. EA Sports Active 2
40. PlayStation Home
41. MotorStorm Apocalypse
42. Under Siege
43. Michael Jackson Game
44. Brunswick Pro Bowling
45. John Daly''s ProStroke Golf
46. Dead Space Extraction
47. High Velocity Bowling
48. ZUMBA Fitness
49. LittleBigPlanet
50. Deadliest Catch: Sea of Chaos
51. Flower
52. Grand Slam Tennis
53. Little League World Series Baseball 2010
54. Planet Minigolf


    值得一提的是,跨平台篮球巨作《NBA 2K11》虽然也会推出XBOX360版本,不过PS3版本不仅支持Move体感(不过微软方面这款产品已经确定支持Kinect),还将会支持3D技术,加上篮球之神作为封面代言,也是值得期待的游戏之一。<



