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二战策略游戏《虎胆雄心2》 秘籍放送

  游戏中按下 F12 输入作弊码(等号前面是需要输入的部分,后面是效果):

  dissent = Gives plenty of dissent
  supplies = Gives plenty of supplies
  transports = Gives plenty of transports
  escorts = Gives plenty of escorts
  robespierre = You can now do any reform you like
  nuke = Gives a nuclear bomb
  energy = Gives plenty of energy
  metal = Gives plenty of Metal
  rubber = Gives plenty of rubber
  money = Gives plenty of money
  oil = Gives plenty of oil
  manpower = God mode on/off
  difrules = CPU skill on/off
  nowar = War on/off
  norevolts = Rebels on/off
  nolimit = Troop limits on/off
  nofog = Fog on/off
  handsoff = Hands on/off
  showxy = Coordinates on/off
  showid = Province ID''s on/off
  fullcontrol = AI on/off



