摩托罗拉在2011年全面发力,迅速将“摩计算”的概念在新产品上付诸实现。日前推出的MOTO ATRIX ME860堪称全球最强大的智能手机之一,以双核技术和webtop应用打破了智能终端与PC之间的界线,完美诠释了“摩计算”的概念内涵;而新推出的全球首款Android 3.0双核平板电脑MOTOROLA XOOM则重新定义了平板产品类别,更加开放、更具扩展性,成为该领域内的革命性产品。4月22日起,两款产品都已在国内开始全面预售,而“摩计算“所迸发出的火花注定将为我们手上的移动终端打开迈向新时代的大门,描绘未来移动计算的发展方向!
The merge of mobile connectivity and computing & processing power in consuming device has become one of the most significant trends of current mobile devices industry. Following the trend, Motorola, the leading company in this industry, accelerated the exploration and introduced its “MO Computing” concept, which focuses on the third brand new mobile device field between PC and smart phone, bringing the revolutionary change for mobile computing market.
Build up “MO Computing”: Initiate another device field besides PC and mobile phone
On account of mobile computing trend and Motorola’s extraordinary strength in Android devices, Motorola turns its attention to the future of mobile computing: While the other companies are still focusing on the traditional smart phone, Motorola has been striving for defining new mobile computing development direction, “MO Computing”. Succeeding PC and mobile phone, with Motorola Xoom & Atrix as vanguard, Motorola targets to build up an unprecedented and fresh device field.
In the concept of “MO Computing”, “MO Computing” products bring consumer powerful mobile computing capability, and increasingly support cloud computing service & experience, so that consumer can realize seamless access to contents and applications whenever and wherever possible. In the mean time, “MO Computing” products will gradually become the center of people’s digital life, which will lead the transformation of our digital life style from traditional PC/TV centered to the brand new “MO Computing” product centered life.