自从Forceware 66.91发布后,NVIDIA官方网站已经很久没有推出更新版本驱动。终于在3月11日,NVIDIA推出了最新版本的Forceware 71.84。
Release Highlights:
•Support for the GeForce 6200 with TurboCache™, NVIDIA PureVideo™, and NVIDIA SLI™
•SLI support for over 60 top games
•A CoolBits applet to allow users to easily add their own SLI application profiles for games that are not SLI certified
•Robust HDTV Display Setup and adjustments
•Multi-Display support for Windows Remote Desktop
•Improved compatibility with Windows Remote Desktop in multi-display modes
•Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0c and OpenGL® 1.5 support
NVIDIA官方公布的更新文档表示,新版本驱动增加了对GeForce 6200TurboCache显卡的支持,同时还添加了对PureVideo、SLI技术的支持。71.84驱动还增加了HDTV的调整、显示功能,支持Windows远程桌面的多头显示等等。