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5千人混乱手记 全球最大LANParty实录

   当复活节假期期间可以到挪威北部山上享受溜冰的时候,有5200名计算机怪异的爱好者不远万里来到94年冬奥会的比赛场馆之一——Vikingship体育馆,来参加北欧每年一界的LAN Party。这个体育馆建在离奥斯陆北部两个小时路程的一个小镇上。

The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch

 前往The Gathering现场的路上,途径挪威最大的湖Mjosa

The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


    对于北欧地区PC游戏玩家来说,从1992年起每年3月23日至27日在挪威Hamar举行的“The Gathering 2005”是他们的节日,这也是世界上最大的LAN Party,不过今年的活动吸引了更多荷兰与德国等北欧地区外的玩家出席,看来,这个LAN Party已经逐渐成为世界性的活动了,没准有一天,它会像奥运会一样成为大型的竞技大赛。


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch



The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch



The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch



The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch

    赛手们将电脑等设备放在推车上,因此,比较轻松一些。复活节及早地到来了,但雪仍未熔化。那实际上是一件好事,大部分地区虽路面泥泞,但天气却非常好 ,然而……

The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch



The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch
The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch



The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch



The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch




The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


The Gathering 2005: Organized Ch


    这个最大的LAN Party已经结束了,在明年的这个时候,我们还会再感受到北欧人的热情……,我们也希望这个LAN Party越办越好,像我们开头所说的那样,成为类似奥运会一样的规模……<



