强强联合,Inno3D正式携手Cooler M
在6月29日,Inno3D正式宣布:为了使该品牌的产品达到更高的水准,在最新一轮的高端显卡的竞争中取得更大的优势,将与国际知名的散热设备及方案提供商Cooler Master成为亲密合作伙伴。Inno3D与Cooler Master公司已经签署了协议,允许Inno3D在高端显示卡上使用由Cooler Master公司提供的先进散热系统。
做为在散热方案较好创新者之一,Cooler Master有着世界级的声誉。它的研发小组创造了高品质的散热系统,并有着先进的技术方案以领导市场。其目标就是使其散热方案能够真正有益于最终用户,使用户能享受到显卡给他们带来的高品质画质以及全部特性。
“June 29, 2004 - Inno3D are proudly to announce Cooler Master will become our close partner’s in achieving gaming excellence. Inno3D and Cooler Master has signed as agreement to allow solitary rights for Inno3D high end graphics cards to include the advance thermal system supplied by Cooler Master.
Cooler Master has a worldwide reputation for being the best innovators in creating thermal solutions. Its R&D team have built high quality cooling systems and achieved advanced technical methods to lead the market. Their aim is to enable cooling solutions to truly benefit the end-users so that they will experience fast quality excitement and grasp the full features of the graphics cards.
Inno3D’s main objective is to combine forces with Cooler Master so that we ensure excellent quality performance to our end-users. With the implementation of a more advance cooling system the end-users will experience smoother graphics without any sudden over heating problems. We are confident that this partnership will truly satisfy the end-users dream in reaching higher gaming standards and take outstanding quality performance to a higher level. For further information please visit our website on www.ivmm.com . ”
InnoVISION Multimedia Ltd, a leader in the Personal Computer multimedia and Internet content creation product provider, develops, manufactures and markets advance Digital Video (DV) and 3D graphic products that enable PC users to access, create and experience 3D game technology and new media content from their PC or television set. InnoVISION Multimedia, an ISO9001: 2000 operation with global brand strength and distribution channels of the latest 3D and digital video technologies.
◎ POP观点:
因此,此次Inno3D正式携手Cooler Master,可以说是顺应行业发展的一步举措。其意义一方面在于拥有了更多优秀的散热方案,使该品牌的高端产品具备了更强的竞争力;另一方面也是继去年显卡厂商纷纷走“双线产品”策略之后,又一种合作模式上的创新!